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中文唯美句子带英语翻译 优选126句

1. 小伙伴们在雪地上堆雪人、打雪仗,玩得可高兴了!

2. 希望你真实,明亮而热烈。

3. 把你自己想象成胜利者,这将会极大地促进你的成功。

4. 随信附上我的履历表。

5. Even monsters have intentions.

6. 我们与其同他们竞争,倒不如同他们合作。

7. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow.When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere.Friend is who can give you strength at last.

8. 任何细致的调查都会是这个贪官原形毕露。

9. 宠爱就是你不讲理,我也让你几分。

10. 所得皆所愿,所失亦无碍。

11. 现在学校被看作是一个学习价值观和行为规范的地方。

12. 野花肆意生长,爱意永不退散。

13. Won gold in a kind.

14. You are not me, you don't know my loneliness, it s after.

15. 对学习不感兴趣的同学在找工作时遇到了很多困难。

16. 你研究将是你得出结论:这种方法是不可行的。

17. 你将来的一切可全靠我。

18. 看透后,一半是理解,一半是算了。

19. 我们借此机会向你们表示感谢。

20. 他去年走的,此后就一直没有回来。

21. 今生如果不能拥有你,我会好恨自己。

22. The more hungry, the more delicious the dinner is.

23. 人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他

24. 你来我信你不会走,你走我当你没来过。

25. 他学习怎样烧法国、意大利和中国的特色菜。

26. 太阳会发光,会发热,是个大火球。

27. 有生命就会有希望,有信心就会有成功,有思索就会有思路,有努力就会有收获。

28. 我的口袋里,帮着你从城堡里逃走的星星。

29. 我们走进教室,只见窗口那里不断地滚进浓雾,教室里简直就像一个大蒸笼。

30. 数字表明这家工厂的利润再增加。

31. 我刚喜欢上你,你却放手了。

32. 我们还年轻,长长的人生可以受一点风浪。

33. 老榆树的树身很粗很粗,树皮裂成了一块儿的,像大片的鱼鳞。

34. 解释那么多,不如自己摔一跤学会的更多。

35. It the monitor asked teacher yesterday, had would know how to solve it.

36. I love you, love can not my world without you.

37. I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.

38. I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love.

39. 因为有很好的人,所以生活很有意思。

40. 起伏的黄土山头,真像一片大洪水的波涛。

41. 感谢大地,让我在滚滚红尘相识了你。

42. The sea of people is cold, you are hot in the world.

43. Time, with you more ruthless, I love my poetry Lane will last forever.

44. The road ahead is long. May the south wind sweep your sleeves.

45. 不赶什么浪潮,也不搭什么船,我自己有海。

46. 他与其说是作家,不如说是记者。

47. I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything.Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least.And then be a simple man.

48. Loneliness is different from being alone.Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you cannot talk with others and share them with your feelings.And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.

49. 山鸟与鱼不同路,再见容易再见难。

50. 与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪

51. 她比班里任何姑娘跑的都快。

52. 路靠自我走,就算再坎坷,也要自我过。

53. In another 10000 years, deep feelings will remain the same.

54. I tasted it too early.

55. 好好等,会晚些,但会更好。

56. 合群是平凡的开始,独行是拔尖的开端。

57. 静悄悄地做人,像早晨一样清白。

58. 如果你重复别人的方法,你就不能够创造性地解决问题。

59. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.

60. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.

61. 曾经的海枯石烂,已成回忆。

62. 早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。

63. If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly.coz only she has is misfortune.

64. 只要你还愿意努力,世界就会给你惊喜。

65. I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by.

66. The night in a small city is comfortable and happy.

67. Obviously the rise is oxygen,but would rather lonely to suffocation.

68. 只有不畏艰难,眼前的路才会越走越宽。

69. 人原本就是在星星上出生的,暂时居住在这颗叫做地球的星星上,因此,任何一个人,都是具有星星般美好的心灵,生命尽管有限,依然不断用微笑和爱向他人散发光芒。

70. 我不记得你的名字,但认得你的脸。

71. 金字塔是用一块块的石头堆砌而成的。

72. 她站了起来,回答得那么准确,那么自然,那么流畅,似乎早有准备似的。

73. 敢于面对困境的人,生命因此坚强;敢于挑战逆境的人,生命因此茁壮。

74. You can go as far as you want to go.

75. 我看到他正在与一个穿黑衣服的老年绅士讲话。

76. 煎和熬都是变美味的方式,加油也是。

77. 我愿踏山而行,只因你在山中。

78. 那路是崎岖的,灯却永远亮着。

79. Thank gravity for pulling me to you.

80. 一个花开的季节,用向日葵来温暖眼瞳。

81. 我不期待花开了,我早就不喜欢花了。

82. At night I light the stars with my breath.

83. 对于他来说,没有得到提升是很痛苦的事。

84. 对于学生不感兴趣的学生将被提供一些特别的课程。

85. 冬天的太阳像月亮一样苍白无力。

86. 顺从自己,再想其他,都是风景,幸会。

87. There is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever.

88. 春风一吹,柳条四处摇摆,像一个少女正在跳舞,好看极了。

89. 人生的道路虽然漫长,但要紧处常常只有几步。

90. Think of you every day, your company, happiness is so natural.

91. 有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

92. I've been looking for you. What's your name?

93. Never quit because something went wrong; Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better.

94. Happiness by adding those sad there the elements.

95. 省译法:这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。又如:

96. When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop.Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us.If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.

97. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts,it's probably worth it.

98. 过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!

99. 他经常负债。

100. 我想你了,是那种久旱逢甘霖的想。

101. This cool moon can wash away the dust on earth.

102. 勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。

103. 怕自己安于现状,又怕自己偷偷原谅。

104. 夕阳总会照在你身上,你总会快乐一场。

105. 白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。

106. Warm the road with a smile.

107. 爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。

108. 昨天都过去了,你们何必再提。

109. No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness.Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.

110. If he doesn't, he doesn't like it.

111. 有些人污蔑你,诋毁你,却又想要成为你。

112. 长安街华灯高照,川流不息的汽车,灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。

113. 我不知道怎样才能让你多在乎我一些。

114. A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the same as the solar cycle.

115. 你所在之处,孤单都被征服。

116. Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat.

117. Sometimes it is not the person you miss,but the time,the memory you stay with him.

118. 有人选择了离开,也有人会选择等待。

119. 我要睡了,你要给我说晚安。

120. 他两只大手托着脑袋,这脑袋这时候看上去好像有几百斤重似的。

121. Love makes man grow up or sink down.

122. 他不是那种你可以依靠的男子。

123. 人生过往,会心处不妨停一停。

124. You are not my lover, how can you know my deep love.

125. 春风像一位作家,他的 文章 到处充满诗情画意,令人回味无穷。

126. Someone makes me comfortable, so I want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely, so I want to embrace him.

中文唯美句子带英语翻译 优选136句

1. Time is dead and everything is safe.

2. If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

3. The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation.But some learn to forget, but others insist.

4. It doesn't matter. I can vary from person to person.

5. 一些人紧抿着唇,站成无爱无畏的月亮。

6. Itself is a lonely, but also make you feel lonely antidote.

7. 世界从不平等,你有多努力,就有多特殊。

8. 这有助于说明英语为什么是国际语言的原因。

9. The retro alleys sell warm sunshine in winter.

10. 我的心像刀绞一般,泪水迷糊了我的眼睛。

11. 岁月如歌,日月悠长,日子平常,光阴在细微的小事里悠悠然而过。

12. It will stop things like your heart will be a dull pain.

13. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.

14. Your own taste, let my heart closely rely on.

15. Man's greatest enemy is himself.

16. Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest.

17. Everything is irretrievably vulgar.

18. 工作时你要全神贯注。

19. Time silent footsteps, not because we have many things to be addressed and Pause briefly.

20. 不管你说啥,你都无法使他改变主意。

21. 我将玫瑰藏于身后,期盼与你赴约。

22. to be ,or not to be, this is a question.

23. 你出得起16000美元买一所房子吗?

24. Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.All of these are for sake of you.And I will never regret for it.

25. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

26. 琅琅的读书声从各个教室飞出来,像动人的童声大合唱,音符满天。

27. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

28. 学校的首要责任是把学生培养成好公民。

29. Time is short life; But even if the target clock speed along with life, to one hour We end to this period of time wasalso engaged to spend too long.

30. It's worth going, and it's easy to give up.

31. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的`世界。

32. Let--s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”.

33. 生活在社会中而又不受其影响,这实际上是不可能的。

34. 我得承认我一点也没有听懂她说的话。

35. 一生温暖纯良,不舍爱与自由。

36. 一个对别人感兴趣的人可以结交很多朋友。

37. To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful, still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.

38. Habit with you, with you in, so happy. Also fear of losing you.

39. 刺玫瑰纵使刺伤了我的手指,始终还是凋谢不了我的恋情。

40. 我被烫得直甩手,不停地对着手吹气。

41. 月亮代表我的心!

42. What you see reflects what your heart is like.

43. Love the evolution of such failure, leaving only that deep helpless.

44. 年少轻狂,我定下诺言,是关于我爱你。

45. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

46. 以前想要很多很多爱,现在只想睡个好觉。

47. 没有星期五的票了。

48. 金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。

49. The boat died, and the river and the sea sent the rest of life.

50. 阳光明媚,蓝天碧水,树木叶间五彩斑斓,色彩艳丽,如诗如画。

51. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.

52. 尊重所有的声音,但只成为自己。

53. 如果你外出吃饭,你所要做的只需细品、慢咽、和付账。

54. Love is not about running into each other in crowds.Love is an impossible meeting.For example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forest.We just fall in love accidentally.

55. 你来了,我之前收藏的爱意都有了靠山。

56. Don't make too much of it. The flowers are naturally fragrant.

57. 综合法:是指单用某种翻译技巧无法译出时,着眼篇章,以逻辑分析为基础,同时使用转换法、倒置法、增译法、省译法、拆句法等多种翻译技巧的方法。如:

58. 你想吃什么样的牛排,嫩的、适中的还是烧的烂的?

59. 你想试试我草莓味的唇膏吗?

60. 你回来吧,我还在原地等你。

61. 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?

62. 这本书使你对英国文学有个总的理解。

63. 各自承流而上,互为欢喜人间。

64. 当你发现时间是贼了,它早已偷光你的选。

65. The days ahead are long, and there is no fear of a long journey.

66. 你周身的璀璨,胜于宇宙诞生的星光。

67. The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.

68. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.

69. 无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。

70. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time.This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by.It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.

71. I go through reincarnation, just to meet you.

72. 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

73. 有预感,都知道,都明白。

74. If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord…

75. 把自己活成一束光,自信坦荡,光芒万丈。

76. 人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。

77. 实力塑造性格,性格决定命运。

78. 鸟以群分。

79. 往后的日子里别为难自己,别辜负岁月。

80. Corrode the grass rust, can deep clean the treasures exertion, If good at using gold, but will bring moregold hygiene.

81. 下一年、我们说好了去看海。

82. 我以后要把学到的知识活用,决不生搬硬套。

83. 你要是午饭想喝汤,本应该提前告诉我一声。

84. 这位老太太比她丈夫多活了。

85. 教师生活的一部分就是把学生培养成好公民。

86. However long the night, the dawn will break.

87. 乌云上方就是晴空,你的彩虹总会出现。

88. 请好好照顾她,加上我的那份。

89. 那盛开的桃花像一团团云霞,映照充满生机的大地。

90. 母亲本能的知道赞扬对于孩子是至关重要的。

91. 你要努力成为父母的依靠,父母的骄傲。

92. if you were a cactus.I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.

93. 你闭嘴的样子,会更可爱一点。

94. 英语:英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言之一。

95. 我掀起山河奔向你,踏进星辰来访你,我有整个宇宙想讲给你听。

96. 眼中有光,心里有方向。

97. The more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something, the better you remember; I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.

98. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand.It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

99. 学生在学校管理方面的参与在过去的十年里有了很大的发展。

100. Live up to life and never lose your way.

101. 宁愿笑著流泪,嘢不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗?

102. It is better to ask others than yourself. Why look at others.

103. 分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。

104. 当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。

105. 今天的青年必须肩负起保护环境的重任。

106. 这山川如酒,敬旷世温柔,至死方休。

107. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.

108. 重组法:指在进行英译汉时,为了使译文流畅和更符合汉语叙事论理的习惯,在捋清英语长句的结构、弄懂英语原意的基础上,彻底摆脱原文语序和句子形式,对句子进行重新组合。如:

109. 我要怎么邮寄一个拥抱,给她。

110. In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.

111. 这只天真可爱的卷毛狮子狗,小黑尾巴一摆动起来,像个滚动的小绒球。

112. 男要俏,一身皂;女要俏,三分孝。

113. 我们需要休假一次以养精蓄锐。

114. 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂


116. Three thousand fireworks splashed with ink will make you confused all your life.

117. I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.

118. 他很难适应集体生活。

119. 做一个浪漫的人,不负诗酒茶花之约。

120. 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

121. 当他得知获奖的信息,禁不住欣喜若狂。

122. Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up.If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.

123. Today who sheds his blood with me, he is my brother.

124. 当我们满怀喜悦和惆怅的成长已经成为一种可以被讲述的故事时,我们发现我们从未遵守过任何一个诺言,但我们真的真心真意相爱过。

125. 当你看我的瞬间,我甘愿搁浅。

126. The wind is clear and happy from head to toe.

127. 谁捡走了我的玻璃鞋,寻找遗失的玻璃鞋.

128. 与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些,如果今天的你没有比昨天更喜欢自己,那明天对你来说又有什么意义呢?

129. 你在我的怀中,宇宙才完整。

130. Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.

131. 他们充分利用宾馆的设施。

132. 在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱。不知道是什么,不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。

133. 感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然

134. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world .

135. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves.Andthen begin to love.Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be.Just wait for one love.Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.

136. 小岛把湖水分成两半,北边像圆圆的太阳,叫日潭;南边像弯弯的月亮,叫月潭。

中文唯美句子带英语翻译 优选110句

1. 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

2. Faith: not wanting to know what the truth is.

3. 你的帮助对我们这个项目的成功是极为重要的。

4. The grass will be green next year, but old friends will see it differently.

5. 只有把读书当做是精神享受,它才能称其为享受。

6. 独来独往的日子里,一定要善待自己。

7. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is.But I feel happy every day for this. 我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。

8. 尽力假装狂热,仍旧是大多数。

9. Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best *'s all for myself to live better.

10. 我开始意思到音乐在我的生活中起着重要的作用。

11. 简短的引证解释:指内容简单,言词不长。阿英 《高尔基和中国济难会》:^v^我们的党即使有这一材料,也是不容易保存下来的,很可能只剩下我写的这几行简短的记录了。

12. 生容易,活容易,生活不是很容易。

13. 在一起时讲勇敢讲真诚,分开时要讲良心。

14. Want to eat sad, but it is too big.

15. 那所著名大学就在电视台的对面。

16. 抓紧我的手,你若不松,我便不走。

17. everything happens for a reason.

18. 阳光下灿烂,黑暗下耀眼;心若向阳,无畏悲伤。

19. 把你的得分加起来,我们就知道谁赢了比赛。

20. 每天复习功课是十分有益的。

21. 他终于认识到自己的错误了。

22. 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我.

23. Not easily cut open to others,because others are hilarious,and the pain is yourself.

24. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love.Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

25. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.

26. 我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。

27. The long one is suffering while the short one is life.

28. You know, my favorite person is you.

29. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

30. Don’t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can’t get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.

31. 笑靥如花,都藏着看不见的孤独。

32. 也许每天早晨他都见到了我,但是没有真正意思到我的存在。

33. An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.

34. 前路很长,梦想不止。

35. 短不可护,护短终短;长不可矜,矜则不长。

36. If two past lovers can remain friends.it's either they were never in love or they still are.

37. 她今天没来上课,不是因为她不想来,而是因为她母亲病了。

38. The power lies in time : the end of the imperial who wanted; The truth to sunlight, the false lie.

39. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

40. Take a seat first. I'll be back soon.

41. 增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或 “There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如:

42. 你是我的满目山河,也是我的可遇不可得。

43. 小草也在微风的吹拂下晃动着,好像随着晨风在清请地 唱歌 起舞。

44. The taste of happiness is like lemon, sour and bitter.

45. 没有收到猫头鹰请柬的我,依旧会在麻瓜的世界里披荆斩棘。

46. 先努力让自己发光,对的人才能迎着光而来。

47. If you have good intentions, you will meet angels on your way.

48. 成长无非大醉一场,勇敢的人先干为敬。

49. Until all is over one's ambition never dies.

50. Ordinary children love life.

51. 我喜欢你,胜于昨日,略匮明朝。

52. 不要让安逸,盗取我们的生命力。

53. 我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

54. 绽开笑容的棉桃银花朵朵,白絮如雪,一望无际。

55. Byron: I am never away from you. Even now, I shall not leave you. In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.

56. 如果心情不好,就去超市捏捏方便面。

57. 我感到这个地方有一种神秘的气氛。

58. 顺风不浪,逆风不怂。

59. 别让怯弱否定了自己,别让懒惰耽误了青春。

60. 烟火向星辰,所愿皆成真。

61. 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁.

62. The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend.

63. 学生们正在注意听老师的课。

64. Among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfortus, some to share and some to love.

65. 渐渐地,残星闭上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隐消失。

66. 他从未发现读书竟是这么有趣。

67. 人家超想哭的,捶你胸口,大坏蛋!

68. 我要幸福的昏倒了!

69. 爱你一生永不离,哪怕几生几世纪!

70. 我尚未定出假期计划。

71. 问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon, evening)早上好!(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好!(或:喂) Hi.你好!(或:嗨) --How are you?你好吗? --Fine, thank you, and you?(Very well, thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你 (2) Best wishes(regards) to sb.问候汤姆好。

72. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am with you.

73. 朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面,微风乍起,细浪跳跃,搅起满湖碎金。

74. 老师提早下课了。

75. When the moon takes photos and thinks, she has to miss me.

76. 秋来艳红已逝去 冬至 白雪浸相思。

77. 我的心情,是文字无法意会的伤痕。

78. 和煦的春风在悠悠地吹着,像有一只温柔的手在抚摸着她的头发和脸庞。

79. 我记不起以前曾见过她。

80. 永不假设,永不强求,顺其自然。

81. 就让所有的事,都顺着它的本意慢慢发展。

82. 他打消了出国学习的念头。

83. 我们走进夜海,去打捞遗失的繁星。

84. 我们已经习惯他说话的方式了。

85. 杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗?

86. 转换法:指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句型和语态等进行转换。具体的说,就是在词性方面,把名词转换为代词、形容词、动词;把动词转换成名词、形容词、副词、介词;把形容词转换成副词和短语。在句子成分方面,把主语变成状语、定语、宾语、表语;把谓语变成主语、定语、表语;把定语变成状语、主语;把宾语变成主语。在句型方面,把并列句变成复合句,把复合句变成并列句,把状语从句变成定语从句。在语态方面,可以把主动语态变为被动语态。如:

87. 这个班由30名男同学和20名女同学组成。

88. 我有我要赶去的远方,风雨兼程披星戴月。

89. 当你决定灿烂,山无遮,海无拦。

90. 星星温柔泛滥,人间至善。

91. 他未对我半分好,偏巧这感情疯长似野草。

92. 手执烟火以谋生,心怀诗意以谋爱。

93. their love left them indifferent to their surroundings; she was his first love.

94. 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!

95. The bravest thing I have ever done is to love you.

96. 林下漏月光,疏疏如残雪。

97. 愿所有的负重前行,都可以满载而归。

98. The green shirt misty rain guest seems to be an old friend.

99. 我一直相信,在这世界上存在着一个地方,一个让现实抓不到你的地方。在那里,梦想离你很近,很近,就像我相信,在城市里来往的人群中,总有一个,会让你记得一辈子。直到你咽下最后一口气。你一眼就认出她。我时常做同一个梦,在梦里,我总是不停地跑,不停地寻找。他们说要到那个地方,要找到那个人,你必须比别人多一点勇气,多一些幸运。你可能会付出冒险的代价。你可能会死在半途上。你敢不敢去?有一个地方,你去了就不想离开,有一种人,你一辈子只会遇见一次。

100. 来路无可眷恋,值得期待的只有远方。

101. When every love comes to the end, if you look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it's always beautiful.

102. Things would have been waves of ups and downs, and if people can build climax to proceed will be Traveling.

103. 款款独行,才不致倾溢出。

104. 他的父母送不起她上大学。

105. 路在前方,更在脚下。

106. 女人如果不性感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。

107. 如果我说对不起,你会原谅我吗?

108. My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.

109. You sit in the hall, don't touch the wind and snow.

110. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.

中文唯美句子带英语翻译 优选25句

1. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

2. 即使生活低到尘埃里,梦想也要举得高高的。

3. 他的律师想尽量把对他有利的方面提出来。

4. 图书馆为我们提供足够的书看。

5. 各个学校的教学

6. Human life is short, but if this despicable too short life, it too long.

7. 不要因为没有掌声,而丢掉自己的梦想。

8. Discard time, the time he has abandoned Discard time, and time is up to him.

9. Be crazy if you love.If you don't.then be strong.

10. 一朵小花,想不开就谢了。

11. 他的债务已经超过了美元。

12. 春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙。

13. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.

14. 他去的成功最重要的原因在于工作非常努力。

15. 不要担心前路漫漫,同行的人不会走散。

16. 日月照华年,山水阅尘寰。

17. One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

18. 爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝….在爱情下交缠.

19. 能治愈你的,从来都不是时间,而是明白。

20. 好姑娘像太阳,照到哪里,哪里亮。

21. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

22. east,west,home is the best!

23. 今天很好,我喜欢今天。

24. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

25. 政府成立了一个委员会调查这个问题。